(Islande). Catalogue of the Icelandic collection bequeathed by Willard Fiske. Compiled by Halldor Hermannsson.
Numéro d'ordre : 444
Vente : LIVRES Part 2 le samedi 21 octobre 2017 14:00
(Islande). Catalogue of the Icelandic collection bequeathed by Willard Fiske. Compiled by Halldor Hermannsson. Ithaca (New York), 1914. (Réimpression, 2001). In-8, XI + 755 pp, toile de l'éditeur. "In all 9.000 printed items are included covering the following topics :1 - All the editions and translations of the Old Islandic and Old North texts. 2 - Works on that literature such as histories and commentaries. 3 - Works on the language religion, history, manners and customs of the Scandinavian nations in early times. 4 - Works that comprise the modern Islandic literature since the sixteenth century, beginning with the first book printed in Islandic, and covering Islandic books whether printed in Island or elsewhere. 5 - All the annals, travels, natural histories, government documents, biographies, and bibliographies, which can, in any way, throw like on the history of the Island". This catalogue covers material up to 1912.
Livres - Manuscrits - Autographes - Bandes dessinées
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Consultant : Eric SEGUINEAU Tél. : Email : ericseguineau@gmail.com
Samedi 21 Octobre à 11 h Nombreuses Manettes
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8 Bis Rue Chaptal, 44100 Nantes
Le samedi 21 octobre 2017 14:00
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19/10/2017 de 15:00 à 18:00
20/10/2017 de 9:00 à 12:00
21/10/2017 de 9:00 à 12:00
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